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Individual reference bars

Sheryl Enos

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Is there a way to add reference bars to each bar in a bar chart I have a list of 1,000's of samples run through an assay at different concentrations along with a reference standard at the same concentrations. I would like to use a stacked bar chart to show the values at each concentration for each value and then have a bar to show where the standard performed for each sample. I'm able to achieve this by using trellising but that's messy with thousands of samples. Is there a way to do this without trellising I have an example attached.
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I inflated your data so it has 1200 rows, one row per sample, as a test.I am attaching what you would see in this case, and added a new page in which I modify the number of columns in the trellis.

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you want to achieve. If you have thousands of samples, it looks like displaying all samples together in a single bar chart is going to be messy anyway. So your approach with trellis seemsthe best one, I just tweaked it a bit.

If you want to focus on samples that are above or below the standard, you could perhaps filter on Sum Difference.


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