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is there any idea how to create limit windows in SpotFire

Egor Kasprov

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I need create operating envelops in spotfire using limit values.

Overview we have a 3 window with limit values.

Window #1 Amin, Amax; Bmin, Bmax

same story for Window #2 and #3.

Each window has it own color.

Could you please advise how to visualized this concept in spotfire

Please see example in attachment how it looks on pictures.

Thank you

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I am not too sure of what you mean - in the image there are four coloured squares, four arrows, three labels and a white dot.

Assuming the squares are the windows, I cannot think of a way to do this natively in Spotfire. There might be cleverer ways, however I have created a very very simple example with a sample dataset that represents a path in the edge values [X,Y] (in the right order, with one extra row to close the loop). It does not produce the visualisation you are after, but does give an idea of the overlaps, limits and sizes of the windows, if that helps.


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