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How can we change Data Table in a Table visualization based on Filter Value

Mansi Joshi

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I have 4 filter values A,B,C,Din a column and there are corresponding datatable 1,2,3,4 associated with those values.

How can I changedatatable in TABLE Visualizationbased on users selection filter value.

Eg: If user selects A from filter then TABLE visualization must change data table to 1

Similiarly for B from filter then TABLE visualization must change data table to 2 etc.

Can anyone please provide the solution.



Mansi Joshi

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First create a document property with Drop down values.


from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent

tbl = currentTableVisualization.As[VisualContent]()

newtbl = Document.Data.Tables.Item[DOCUMENT PROPERTY VALUE ]





CRETAE TWO INPUTS for this script

1]DOCUMENT PROPERTY VALUE: select property value which has table name

2]currentTableVisualization : table visualization

Then trigger this script when for the value change in the doc property

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