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Task could not be completed error in prod web player.

Pujtha R

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Hello All,

one of our clients is not able to access the report that i have created in Prod web player server.

Our report is saved under a folder called published reports. Under published reports folder we have so many analysis saved. Within the published report folder i have created one more folder for my report and i have saved the analysis in the folder.

We have a group created for the main folder called XXX.. under XXX we have published reports folder. So users who has access to to the group should have access to all the analysis and folders as well under published reports is what i believe.

FYI: User was able to login sometime back and no access related changes happened in between. We are wondered to see that he has suddenly lost access. Other users are able to access the report without any issues.

We have verified all the access for him comparing the others access who is able to access the reports. No luck yet.

This has happened to another user in dev web player too.. Admin has tried giving admin access to the user still it did not work. After few days it started working without making any changes.. This is the second case above what is mentioned. This is been repeeating in our project.

This kind of Task could not be completed issues occurs because of scheduled updates or when we have on demand implentation in our report. But if that is the case it should not work for any one. (As per my knowledge)

Could any one provide us the solution to overcome such kind of issues.

Thanks for your help!

- Pujitha

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