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Conditional formatting per bar category

Go to solution Solved by Simon,

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I'm trying to implement the following. A barchart with as the categroy the different departments and as the value the amount of mistakes that they have made. The mistakes are linked to employees and not every department has the same amount of employees. I want to create a graph that colors the bar green if the department has less than 10 mistakes per employee total and red if it has more. I have it implemented in Power BI, but I want to transfer the report to Spotfire. I will attach a snipping about the graph without department names. The black line indicates the threshold.

Screenshot 2024-11-12 143404.png


Hi David,

This would not give the correct view since there are multiple employees per department. The goal is to turn red if the number of issues is greater than 10 * number of employees per department.

So if Finance had 2 employees in its department, it would still show as green.


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