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How to limit Property Control - drop down list to show only unique values that are not filtered out from a column of a datatable.

Go to solution Solved by David Boot-Olazabal,

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At the moment I have this dropdown list that shows ALL unique values from the 'process_attribute' column of a datatable as selectable options. 

I can't figure out how to make my dropdown list ONLY SHOW the values that have not been filtered out. So I need my dropdown list to dynamically change based on the filters I apply to the datatable.

Example: This is my starting datatable with no filters


Let's say I apply a filter to my datatable so that Im only left with A and B (row C was eliminated based on my filters). My dropdown list should only propose values A and B. Currently its still proposing value C even though 'C' has been filtered out already.

I can't find a way to do this, someone has an idea?

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I don't know how to do that based on filters, but I have done this with multiple dropdowns. You can use one dropdown to select unique values of "Group1".  Then, you can use a calculated variable to say: case when Group1 = DocumentProperty("Grp1") then Group2 end.  Then, you can add a second dropdown called Grp2 that shows the unique values of Group2.  Obviously, this gets complicated when multiple fields are being filtered on though.  

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1 hour ago, Steve Phillips 3 said:

I don't know how to do that based on filters, but I have done this with multiple dropdowns. You can use one dropdown to select unique values of "Group1".  Then, you can use a calculated variable to say: case when Group1 = DocumentProperty("Grp1") then Group2 end.  Then, you can add a second dropdown called Grp2 that shows the unique values of Group2.  Obviously, this gets complicated when multiple fields are being filtered on though.  

How/ where do I create the calculated variable: "case when Group1 = DocumentProperty("Grp1") then Group2 end"

Does this variable get applied to the "limit data using expression" part of the datatable? 

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Hi @achen1

You'll have to create a calculated column with the filtered values, and use that one for your combobox.

You'll need some scripting, both IronPython and Javascript.

I made a quick example for you :)  you have a Region List that filters the Country Name Combobox.

If you have any questions please let me know!

filtered Combobox.dxp

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