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how to search element tree in spotfire and filter the elements under one folder

Enkeled Kanaj
Go to solution Solved by David Boot-Olazabal,

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I search in the element tree for some elements which are duplicated (multiplicated) under different folders. how to filter only that which is under my folder.


Any syntax? Not by property as my elements have not a defined property.


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Hi Enke,

There are a few ways to search within the Information Model. I'm not sure if you would be able to use the search string as provided, but you could try to combine different search parameters to achieve what you want to.

You can do this search not only in the Information Designer, but also Library Administration Tool.
Consider the two search strings and outcomes.
I'm looking for an element with name connected.
My first search on type:column column:connected gives me the below:


As I want the yellow highlighted element, I need to find a way to add the parent folder.
Now consider this search string: type:column column:connected parent_id:fc03dc77-a1e3-40da-a875-1d882286659b:
The parent_id is the id of the folder Group (the lowest level in my tree, as a higher level doesn't work its way down).

You can replace the id with the one of you 'Information Package' and the column connected witn Date and you should only get yours.

More information can be found here: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/sfire-analyst/14.4.0/doc/html/en-US/TIB_sfire_client/client/topics/en-US/searching_the_library.html.

Kind regards,


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Hi Enke,

I'm aware of that (you'll find a reference to both in my previous answer). Since the Library Administration Tool provides a clearer overview, I added the images from that perspective. But that might have confused you.

In any case, if you apply the same logic in the Information Designer search box, you will achieve the same:

In your use case, the search string would be type:column column:erbs parent_id:<id of folder Information Package>.

The id of the folder can be found by right-clicking on it, and select the option Copy ID:


Kind regards,


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Hi Enke,

Great that it worked out.
This construct will not work for a 'higher' parent folder. the parent_id construct is only searching within that folder.
I have tried it myself but my result set was empty.

What could be an option though, if you are the creator of only your elements, is to replace the parent_id by created_by.
That will give you this construct: type:column column:connected created_by:david.

If this is not possible in your use case, then I would advise to create an enhancement request for this in our ideas portal: https://ideas.spotfire.com.

Kind regards,


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Hi Enke,

The only way I can get a result back, is by searching directly for the table name, which gives me back all related elements to that table:

In a similar way, if I search for item_type:datasource, it will list all available data sources.

But it seems impossible to combine them, since the item_type:datasource table:products doesn't give any results back:

So, if the table:products string would do the trick for you, I would stick to that. And you can even use wildcards like table:prod*. That would list all elements from table starting with prod.

Kind regards,



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