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IronPython scripting to apply coloring to crosstable cells by logic

Go to solution Solved by Anthony Alvarez,

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Hello Spotfire team, 

I have a cross table visualization on Spotfire and I am trying to create an iron python script for a drop-down list property control that will apply a color filter on a column named "Norwood" in my visualization based on the logic 

if value in cell = "Runs" then color the cell red

if value in cell = "OOC" then color the cell orange

Ive been reading the spotfire API documentation for CrossTablePlot Class linked below but it is unclear to me how the Properties work


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The drop down will have two string options, "1" or "0". This is allow users to turn on or off the coloring logic that will be applied to the column named "Norwood"

If user selects "1" then the color filtering will be applied 

If user selects "0" then the color filtering will be unapplied. 

I have started the Iron Python script (screenshot attached). 


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  • Solution

I would build two document color schemes (FilterOn and FilterOff). Your script can toggle between them.

Create the two document color schemes:

  • In the Cross Table properties > Colors page
    • Create a "FitlerOn" color scheme group
      • image.png.c9cc3761b39b89e5f523f8e6300b8b51.png
    • Save these settings using the Color Schemes button > Save As > Document Color Scheme...
      • image.png.7ea9c84e809e5d03e87dfc23a68f759b.png
      • Call this one FilterOn
    • Repeat the above steps for the FilterOff settings
    • Notice that both of the Document Color Schemes exist and can be selected
      • image.thumb.png.cb5a417a6b4dd0fc0d46c2a2fac983f3.png

I tried to modify your code to include the toggle between the two Document Color Schemes:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import CrossTablePlot
page = Document.ActivePageReference

for vis in page.Visuals:  
  if str(vis.Title) == "Combined Alert Table":
    myCrossTable = vis.As[CrossTablePlot]()

    if Document.Properties["ColorSwitch"] == "1":
      for coloring in myCrossTable.Colorings:
        if coloring.DisplayName == 'FilterOff' or coloring.DisplayName == 'FilterOn':
          print("filer ON")
    else: #ColorSwitch is not 1
      for coloring in myCrossTable.Colorings:
        if coloring.DisplayName == "FilterOff" or coloring.DisplayName == "FilterOn":
          print("filter OFF")

There may be many different color scheme groupings in your chart (some dates, some numbers, etc.). I tried to use the coloring.DisplayName to identify the correct color scheme grouping to toggle.

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I was thinking of a different way to accomplish this. You can use a custom expression to toggle the color/logic on and off.

  1. Create a color scheme grouping
    1. I called my example "MyColumn"
      1. I included the column that contains the data like Runs, OOC, etc.
  2. Make sure you click on the "MyColumn" item in the color scheme groupings list and then enable the check box "color the grouping using anther expression"
  3. Edit the custom expression "Color Logic" and place the expression in
    1. First(
      Case DocumentProperty("ColorSwitch") 
        when "1" then //Turn On
          case [Value] 
            when "Runs" then "Red" 
            when "OOC" then "Orange"
            else "Other"
        when "0" then "Other" //Turn off
        else "Other"


  4. Set the color mode to Unique values and configure the Red, Orange, Other, and Empty colors accordingly


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The first and second solutions' legend would look like this


Solution A uses an ironpython script and B uses the custom expression color logic. If you need solution B's legend to show the word "Runs" instead of "Red", you can build a color rule to correct the wording shown in the legend.



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