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Is it possible to change the font size in Area chart Mod

Go to solution Solved by David Boot-Olazabal,

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Is there a way to change the followings in the area chart mod? 

-the font

- the font size for the axis, and description

- shift Y axis a little bit more to the left 

- max number of X axis 

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  • Solution

Hi Sophia,

Some of the settings, like font and font size for the axis can be altered via the menu Visualizations -> Canvas Styling -> Edit custom themes:


The other settings are hard-coded into the mod. Any changes to that, would require changes in the source code. As it is available on our github site: https://github.com/spotfiresoftware/spotfire-mod-area, you can access it, make a fork and perform the changes you need.

Kind regards,



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