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To read Hana prompts in Spotfire Analysis


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Thank you. I have set up prompts in the connection to HANA using the 'Define Prompting' option as shown in the link. After consuming the connection in Spotfire Analysis, it prompts for the input values, for example, if we select the period as 2024004.

My question is: how can I read the selected input prompt values in Spotfire Analysis?" In Analysis i should display the value as 2024004.

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Hi techg,

You say that you can define the prompts on the connection and you see the prompts when loading the data. You then can select the period 2024004 and the data gets filtered. Is that correct?
As I'm not sure if I understand your question "how can I read the selected input prompt values in Spotfire Analysis?" In Analysis i should display the value as 2024004. ", can you elaborate a bit more on that?

kind regards,


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For this scenario the data from the Hana view shows the period selected 2024004 and the previous period 2024003. So in Analysis we need to display the data based on  the period selected in the prompt as 2024004.

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But is there something blocking you from either selecting or entering that 2024004 period in the prompt? Or can you enter it, but it doesn't work?
In any case, could you also share some screenshots to make the case more clear of what you are trying to do and what is working?

Kind regards,


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Do you also receive the value of 600 in your analysis? Or is that value tied to the FiscalPeriod in SAP HANA?
If it's the first case, you could use a calculated value to replace the FiscalPeriod with the Value. If it is the second one, isn't there a way in the connection parameters, like you have in SAP BW, to load both FiscalPeriod and Value?

Kind regards,


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In Analysis am getting both the value of 2024004 & 2024005 as 1100. But i have to include a condition to show only the selected prompt value as 2024005 as 600 only.In BOBJ we have userResponse function to display the selected Prompt values. Do we have any such option in spotfire.

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Ah ok, I see.

So, your current prompt loads both 2024004 & 2024005 periods (and the sum of their values). How have you defined your current prompt in the connection to SAP HANA?

And would you have the same issue if you used a data on demand for this connection?

Kind regards,


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Yes, the current prompt loads the value for bot the periods.The Prompt is created in Hana view itself. While creating the Hana connection in Spotfire we used Defined Prompting Option.

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