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How to pass calculated value from HTML to JS?

Prashant S A
Go to solution Solved by David Boot-Olazabal,

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I am looking to show/hide few elements in text area by using condition.

This value in a condition is available in text area in the form of calculated value.


How can I pass above calculated value to JavaScript.


Below is the script which I am using(not working),

//calculated value(0 or 1 ..)

<pre hidden >
<SpotfireControl id="b1cb3cb958c34edfbd1f8deeb4023e88" />


// Function to show or hide elements based on the input value
function toggleElements(value) {
    let element1 = document.getElementById('93e07d4fcc054f78a00f64d1dfe70556');
    if (value = 1) {
element1.style.display = 'block'; // Show element1
    } else {
element1.style.display = 'none'; // Hide element1

// Function to check the value from the input field
let inputValue = document.getElementById('b1cb3cb958c34edfbd1f8deeb4023e88').value;

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