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Display last friday date compared to any day in a current week

Prashant S A
Go to solution Solved by Anthony Alvarez,

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  • Prashant S A changed the title to Display last friday date compared to any day in a current week
  • Solution

If you would like to show the date of the last Friday on the screen, you have a few options:

  • Using a Text Area + Calculated Value
  • The "Display Value" Mod
  • You could load the date of the last Friday into a Document Property and show the date in chart titles, Text Areas, etc.
  • You could use a calculated column and process a tables worth of dates and Friday offset dates

Here are a few functions that can help you calculate the date of the most recent Friday:

  • Today() - This will provide today's date
  • DayOfWeek() - This will convert any date into the day of week number (Saturday = 6, Friday = 5, Thursday = 4, ..., Sunday = 0)
  • A custom expression like the one that follows could calculate the Days Since Last Friday
    • Case DayOfWeek(Today())
          when 6 then -1 //Saturday
          when 5 then 0 //Friday
          when 4 then -6 //Thursday
          when 3 then -5 //Wednesday
          when 2 then -4 //Tuesday
          when 1 then -3 //Monday
          when 0 then -2 //Sunday
          else null
    • In this custom expression example if the input date is a Friday, it returns the same Friday's date.
      • If you would like to return the previous Friday's date, swap the like  "when 5 then 0 //Friday" with  "when 5 then -7 //Friday"
  • One final custom expression calculates the date of last Friday:
    • DateAdd('day',
      Case DayOfWeek(Today()) 
          when 6 then -1 
          when 5 then 0 
          when 4 then -6 
          when 3 then -5 
          when 2 then -4 
          when 1 then -3 
          when 0 then -2
          else null
    • This custom expression uses the DateAdd('day', #DaysSinceFriday, InputDate) format
  • Feel free to swap the Today() function with a document property or a column input (if you end up using a calculated column in a data table)


One last thought, you could also build a Data Function (Expression Function) to contain the same logic as above. This approach would be a clean way to tackle this problem.


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Here are some more date expression functions

Today	[Date]=Date(DateTimeNow())
Last 30 Days	[Date] >= dateadd('dd',-30,DateTimeNow())
This Week	Week([Date]) = week(DateTimeNow()) and Year([Date]) = year(DateTimeNow())
This Month	Month([Date]) = month(DateTimeNow()) and Year([Date]) = year(DateTimeNow())
Year to Date	Year([Date]) = Year(DateTimeNow())
Last Month
Last 12 Months	Month([Date]) = Month(dateadd('mm',-1,DateTimeNow())) and Year([Date]) = Year(dateadd('mm',-1,DateTimeNow()))
[Date] >= dateadd('mm',-12,DateTimeNow())
Q1	Quarter([Date]) = 1 and Year([Date]) = Year(DateTimeNow())
Q2	Quarter([Date]) = 2 and Year([Date]) = Year(DateTimeNow())
Q3	Quarter([Date]) = 3 and Year([Date]) = Year(DateTimeNow())
Q4	Quarter([Date]) = 4 and Year([Date]) = Year(DateTimeNow())
Begining of Month	Date(Year(DateTimeNow()),Month(DateTimeNow()),1)
End of Month	DateAdd('day',-1,date(Year(DateTimeNow()),Month(DateAdd('month',1,DateTimeNow())),1))
End of Last Month	DateAdd("day",-1,date(Year(DateTimeNow()),Month(DateTimeNow()),1))
End of Next Month	DateAdd("day",-1,date(Year(DateTimeNow()),Month(DateAdd("month",2,DateTimeNow())),1))
First Weekending of the year	Dateadd("day",6 - DayOfWeek(DATE(Year(DateTimeNow()),1,1)), DATE(year(DateTimeNow()),1,1))
Last Weekending (last saturday)	DateAdd("week",Week(DateTimeNow()) - 2,Dateadd("day",6 - DayOfWeek(DATE(Year(DateTimeNow()),1,1)),DATE(year(DateTimeNow()),1,1)))
End of this week	DateAdd("week",Week(DateTimeNow()) - 1,Dateadd("day",6 - DayOfWeek(DATE(Year(DateTimeNow()),1,1)),DATE(year(DateTimeNow()),1,1)))
End of next week	Date(DateAdd("week",Week(DateTimeNow()),Dateadd("day",6 - DayOfWeek(DATE(Year(DateTimeNow()),1,1)),DATE(year(DateTimeNow()),1,1))))
Previous Quarter end date	DateAdd("day",-1,DateAdd("quarter",Quarter(DateTimeNow()) - 1,Date(Year(DateTimeNow()),1,1)))


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