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Spotfire slow response selecting sticks

Jon Orth 2

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Has anyone else noticed that the Spotfire map visualizations are fairly unresponsive trying to select line objects like well sticks?  Other items like polygons and points are easily selected instantly.  With line objects, I have to hover over the line for a long time to select them, lassoing or selecting multiples will either fail or not pick all of the lines within the selection tool on the first attempt.  This seems to be a problem even with under a hundred sticks while more than a hundred polygons stay pretty responsive.

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Hi David,


This is happening specifically in Map visualizations and hasn't been observed in line charts and has been observed in LTS version 14.0.2.  I've attached a snaggit video of the behavior.  As I scroll across the sticks, many of them don't highlight.  After scrolling across once I'm attempting to Click, drag cursor, and release to select well objects.  A bit less than half of this action actually select well sticks.  We've had to hover over an individual stick for up to five seconds before being able to select it.


Best regards,


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