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Create dynamic X axis name

Go to solution Solved by Kirsten Smith (she/her),

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I'm creating a dashboard where I track data over time. On the X axis is the date which can be shown per month and per year. The column that the date is taken from looks strange so I want to change it to "Date". However, I want to keep the (Month) or (Year), but I don't know how this is possible. Currently I can switch between PR_AAI (Month) and PR_AAI (Year), I want this to be Date (Month) and Date (Year). Does anyone know how and if this is possible?

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There doesn't seem to be a way to change the axis label in the manner described, I would encourage you to vote for this suggestion on our Ideas Portal:


That being said, a "maybe too simple" suggestion is to change the name of the column from [PR_AAI] to [Date] so that's what shows up in the visualization.  If you are getting updated data from an outside source you can add a Transformation to "Change column names" so the name change is handled each time you update the data.

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