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Column calculated with subtraction of two dates

Go to solution Solved by Tyler Kendle,

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Hi all,


I Generate a calculated column that subtracts the dates. Now I need, depending on the result of this calculated column, to generate another column with the condition: if the result is less than -5, it returns “Time” and if it is greater, it returns “Late”.

I try the following but it gives me an error, how could I achieve it?

WHEN [name calculated column] <-5 THEN “Tiempo”



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Just double checking here, are you using a Case Statement for that When clause?  I typically organize my case statements vertically just to make things easier to read.  So something like this:

When [Dias Prep] IS NULL Then Null
When [Dias Prep]<-5 THEN “Tiempo”
Else "Late"

Wondering if your issue is just the Case and End prompts missing... Or perhaps it's because it's a TimeSpan variable, could you change that column to an Integer?

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  • Solution

How did you generate the column that subtracted the dates?  Did you use "DateDiff"?  That should return a "real" value which should work fine instead of an Integer.

Here is an example:

I have two columns Today's date, and Date Created.
Step 1:  Calculate Days between the two columns using DateDiff
Formula: DateDiff('day',[Date Created],[Today])

Step 2: Create your new column with your case statement.
When [Days Open]<5 Then "Tiempo"
Else "Late"

Those are just examples, I know your #s are slightly different but the concept should still work for you.



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