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IronPython script fails to run on the web but works fine in the library

Priyank Dwivedi

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I have a data table that has 'prompts' defined on a couple of columns. When the project is launched via the library, it works fine.  The dialog pops up and asks the user to filter data based on the selection on the prompt screen. 

When I run the script from within Spotfire on the "web", it gives the following error:


Could not perform action 'Reload Master Well Filter Selection'. (2)

Could not execute script 'Refresh.Master.Well.Filter.Selection': Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

   at Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Scripting.ScriptService.Execute(ScriptDefinition script, Dictionary`2 scope, InternalLibraryManager internalLibraryManager, NotificationService notificationService)
   at Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Scripting.ScriptManager.<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<ExecuteScript>b__0()
   at Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Scripting.ManagedScript.Execute(Dictionary`2 environment)
   at Spotfire.Dxp.Application.HtmlTextAreaControls.ActionControl.ModifyCore(Object value)
   at Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.HtmlTextArea.InteractWithControl(String id, Action`1 interaction)

The IronPython script is defined as :

from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel import *

def Refresh():
ps = Application.GetService[ProgressService]()
ps.ExecuteWithProgress("refresh title", "refresh description", Refresh)
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Hi Priyank,

I have consulted my colleagues about your request. There is actually a very recent Support ticket with the very same question. That is how I found out that it is currently not possible to reload data from the data connector or information link with prompts, as it is not supported though the API in the web player.

There is an enhancement request for it though and would like you to request to please vote on the idea in our ideas portal: ideas.spotfire.com/ideas/TS-I-7930.

The only way around the automated triggering of reloading the data, and see the prompts, is the 'manual' way: in the web player you can use the menu Data>>Reload all data to reload your data and invoke the prompt screen.

Kind regards,


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