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How to pass same filter column value from One filtering scheme to another


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Hi Prashant, 

In this case you can use the same filtering scheme,  but may be your requirement might be different, so for that,  I would recommend,  you can add python script to selected value from 'fs1' to select same values in 'fs2' when navigating to 'tab1' to 'tab2'.  

some sample script to get/set selected values,  this will not serve your exact purpose. 

------Get selected value-----
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import ListBoxFilter

#get a reference to a listbox 

#to get the active filtering reference:
#filt = Document.FilteringSchemes[Document.ActiveFilteringSelectionReference][myDataTable][MyDataTable.Columns["symbol"]].As[ListBoxFilter]()

#loop selected values
for value in filt.SelectedValues:
  print value

--------------- Make the selected value
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import CheckBoxFilter

#refer to filter as checkbox


#print myYearFilter
for value in myYearFilter.Values:




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Hi Prashanth,

You can create a document property and assign the x value from fs1 to it then set the document property value to x in fs2 in iron python script.




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