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Spotfire - Can we retrieve only selected records in the cursor

Velmurugan Natesan

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Thanks for the response Gaia Paolini. 

My actual requirement is, I want mark the rows the selected records from table 1 to table 2, I achieved through below script, but still expecting to limit records in the 'cursor'(highlighted line), because I dont want to loop all records let say 5000 records in the table 2, so is there any way to limit only particular records for ex. age >50

for row in DataTableSelection.GetRows(rowsToInclude,cursor):   table 2, let say we have 5000 records, I need limit records is, is there any way to limit?
        for row1 in DataTableSelection1.GetRows(rowMask1.AsIndexSet(),cursor1): # table 1, marked records rows, let say we only 10 marked rows.
              aTag = cursor.CurrentValue
              aTag1 =cursor1.CurrentValue
              if t >= 0 : 
marking.SetSelection(RowSelection(rowsToSelect), DataTableSelection)

Your idea/suggestions would be great. 



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