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Spotfire - how to show downtime message

Velmurugan Natesan

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Hi All, 

There is a requirement to enable the project level downtime message(not completely Spotfire server downtime) on the production environment and same time sanity check users have to perform the testing on the dashboard.  how is this possible, Your input or idea would be very helpful. 



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One option that might be useful, depending on the exact use case, could be to show a message in the RSS feed in the login dialog.  For more information, see "Enabling an RSS feed in the Spotfire login dialog in the Spotfire Server manual: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/latest/doc/html/TIB_sfire_server_tsas_admin_help/server/topics/enabling_an_rss_feed_in_the_spotfire_login_dialog.html

Best Regards




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Thanks Fredick for your quick response. 🙂

Are there any options available to display downtime alerts when migrating a specific dashboard?We proposed creating a downtime landing page with a downtime notification, but difficult to perform the testing for sanity users. 



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If you explain the use case in more detail, maybe someone here in the community will come up with a good idea. It could e.g. be good to explain what "project level downtime message" means - does project e.g. correspond to Library folders, so if a user attempts to open any analysis in that folder, the downtime message should be displayed instead? Are the "regular" users that should not have access during migration using Analyst, Consumer, and/or Business Author? 

Here are some additional options that may or may not work for you:

* Library permissions - during project level downtime, you remove access for the regular users - only the sanity check users have access.

* Hiding pages - if the regular users are Consumer users and project downtime could in fact mean that the analysis can still be opened but you simply hide all pages in the analysis but one that states "This analysis is undergoing maintenance", look into the "Hide Page" functionality:   

"An analysis might contain pages that, for different reasons, are not intended for Spotfire Consumers (Consumers use the analysis in Viewing mode). The pages could be in a draft state, or they might contain information that is not relevant for Consumers. You can hide such pages for Consumers, so the Consumers will not be aware that these pages exist. That is, the hidden pages will disappear from the navigation, and they will not be searchable. However, it will still be possible to let Consumers access the hidden pages through bookmarks and action controls."


Best Regards


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