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modification for multiple columns "Add an autocomplete search bar to Spotfire® using Text Areas"

Kumud K

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I modifed the "Add an autocomplete search bar to Spotfire® using Text Areas" for having 3 different column values search and getting this 3 different columns with the help of drop-down property control but autosuggestion is not working for other 2 columns it's more like functionality work as a cascading

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Hi David,

I have followed this link to create autocomplete search bar: Add an autocomplete search bar to Spotfire® using Text Areas - Spotfire - Spotfire Community

Changes what I had made :

1)I tried to get the 3 different columns using Drop-down control in text-area where I was passing the Fixed value ex: ID1, ID2, ID3  and stored into document property

2)  Substitute(Concatenate('["',UniqueConcatenate([document property]),'"]'),', ','","')//

3) columnToFilter = Document property Name instead of single column name -"Neighbourhood Cleaned"

rest all other information were same.

Note: My ID's value were in string data-type but data were mixed of string and numeric, For example- ID1 in (A11, B22, etc), ID2 In (AB11, 11BC, 11-xy, DG etc) so the autosuggestion were working with ID1 only when I directly change the drop-down from ID1 to ID2 suggestion were not working and also autocomplete wasn't working( like if we start type with A.. it was showing A11 but when I try to select it won't allow)




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