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Hi, I'm working with property controls in Spotfire and was wondering the feasibility of linking them to the legend in a combo chart. Would it be possible to control what's shown in the legend via property controls? Similar to dynamic axis's. thanks!

Joshua Cortigiano

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I am not sure I am interpreting your question correctly. If you mean that you can set up property controls and then they affect the chart, and therefore the legend, see below.

For instance you can set up a document property for the color-by option and by changing the document property, the legend changes.

In that example, say your document property is called 'colorBy', in the chart Properties > Colors > Columns you insert ${colorBy} as a custom expression.

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2023-12-0508_52_19-LeanCIReport-OneNote.thumb.png.4d9491588bf9924ed0beeb10bc04564f.pngThank you, I'd like to have a legend that only shows the column icons that match the property controls. I like your idea; my concern is will it work? I will have a y axis with hundreds of columns and an x axis with two columns. I have attached an example for additional clarity. You can see the legend is showing all y axis columns, I'd only like it to show the columns matching the property control menu. In this example, with the current selections in the property control menu, the legend should be limited to four icons and everything else filtered out.

Thank you,


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