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Set a property control value from a web URL

venkataramanan k

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Dear All,

I am in the position to set a spotfire property control value from the web URL.

For example, have to set two property control value form the below url.

Input URL : https://xyz.com/dashbord?customerid=ABCD&year=FY2023

Output :

Property 1 : custormerid=ABCD

Property 2 : year= FY2023

Is this can be possible in spotfire? How to achieve this one. please provide the solution.

share your experience and input on this.

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It sounds like you should use configuration blocks. You can read more about that here:


Among other things, configuration blocks allow you to set document properties. As stated in the page mentioned above:

"Parameters and Document Properties

A configuration block parameter is automatically assigned to a document property, if a document property with the same name and data type is defined in the analysis."

So, if you have the document properties customerid and year, you could set them using the following configuration block


(Make sure to read the section on URL encoding, which is a common source of issues)

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