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When I imported the string “2023/01/01 0:00:00” using the ReplaceData method, it became a Date type. Is it possible to import it as a DateTime type?

Morio Saeki 3
Go to solution Solved by Gaia Paolini,

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I imported "2023/01/01 0:00:00" using ReplaceData() in my ironPython script. DataType= Date

I imported "2023/01/01 0:00:00" using ReplaceData() in my ironPython script. Datatype = DateTime

Spotfire Analyst version: 10.10.3 LTS

My ironPythn script imports multiple csv files into one data table.

1st csv file : import using ReplaceData() to DataTable1.

2nd csv file: import using AddRows() to DataTable1.

Later files: same as 2nd csv files.

My expectation is "2023/01/01 0:00:00" import with DateTime.

Currently, since "2023/1/1 0:00:00" is imported as a Date type, the DateTime type data that was subsequently imported using AddRows() is not displayed on the screen.

Is there any workaround?

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Please show attached files.


1. Start fruitsLoad.dxp

2. ​Push button "DynamicLoad3”

2.1. select below files​ in file select dialog




2.2. file select end

3.Start ironPython script "DynamicLoad3"

My Expectation : "2000/1/1 0:00:00" in fruits1.csv import with data type=DateTime.

And DateTime data in fruits1/2/3.csv display on Table View.

Result : ​"2000/1/1 0:00:00" import with type=Date.

And DateTime Data in Fruits2/3.csv not display Table View, because Column type is not DateType.

I changed DateTime Value "2000/1/1 0:00:01" in fruits1.csv. It works as I expected.

I referred to the following article for import data using ironPython script.

How to use IronPython to import data? (tibco.com)

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  • Solution

The simplest way, without changing your script too much, would be to add a datatype transformation at the end.

Your first file is imported using the most likely data type settings, since your date has no time, it is set to a Date (interestingly, when I run it, it sets it as a String). So, since you are copying all the settings from your first file, everything else is set as a Date.

Try this: I added an import at the top and a transformation at the end:

  1. # Copyright © 2022. TIBCO Software Inc. Licensed under TIBCO BSD-style license.
    # Replace tables from files
    import clr
    import Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataTable
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Transformations import ExpressionTransformation,ColumnSelection
    from System.Windows.Forms import OpenFileDialog
    print "Start"
    myDataManager = Document.Data
    #myDataManager = Document.Data['BOM_Detail']
    #myDataManager = table
    d1 = OpenFileDialog()
    d1.Multiselect=True #lets you select more than one file
    d1.InitialDirectory='C\\Data' #the folder containing your source data files
    #lazy workaround: replace data with first file then add the other selected files
    for ff in files[1:]:
    settings = AddRowsSettings(table,ds)
    print "Complete"
    transformation = ExpressionTransformation()
    column_name='Update DateTime'
    column_name, 'DateTime(['+column_name+'])', ColumnSelection(column_name)


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I ​imported 3 files in one go.

Update DateTime changed from Date to DateTime​.

But result is not good.

Is there a possibility that the difference in versions has an effect?

My environment use Spotfire@Analist 10.10.3 LTS. ​

result1.thumb.png.4055717a7b035f1eea985b722262b9a7.png​I will try below.

ReplaceData() //fruits1.csv

​ExpressionTransformation() // Date to DateTime

AddRows()​ //fruits2.csv,fruits3.csv

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