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Duplicate Values not shown

Dimitry Rogov

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I uploaded data into my dashboard which has various columns. Specifically, I have a column titled "ICAO String" and a column titled "ITP String" which lists location codes and suppliers. However, for each location (i.e.: LAX) it is possible to have two suppliers (i.e.: in the example shown below, for LAX, there is Signature and Atlantic). However, when incorporating this data into a cross table, it only shows one of the LAX suppliers and the other one is missing. How can I fix this issue to show both LAX suppliers?

Thank You.


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So what is the expected end result in the cross table - that each WFS ITP value is listed on a separate row (in the example, Signature and Atlantic), or that it's still just one row but all ITP values for the row are concatenated and shown in a single cell?

For the former, add the "WFS IPT" column to your vertical axis in the cross table.

For the latter, you could e.g. use an expression like Concatenate([WFS ITP]) on the Cell Values axis to get a Cell Value like "SIGNATURE, ATLANTIC"



If that's not it, it would help if you could provide a sample analysis (dxp file) (without any sensitive data of course).

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