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Making "Custom Queries" visible to all users in Spotfire Desktop (not Server)

Pamir Rahimzadeh
Go to solution Solved by Fredrik Rosell,

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I have added a custom query to a Spotfire Desktop analysis file, with the intention of reducing the data loaded into Spotfire, and as a result, making a dashboard quicker to open. The custom query is only visible to the custom query author, though. I see notes and help pages on making queries trusted by a "custom query author" in the Administration Manager tool, but that seems to be a Spotfire Server specific feature. How can I make it such that someone else opening my DXP file will be able to load in the data saved through Custom Queries? If a user goes into the queries and "verifies" them, they are then able to view the queries, but this "verification" seems to be tied to one user at a time (the last user to verify the queries and save the DXP file). Is there a way around this?

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Hi Kirsten, thanks for the response. After verifying the custom query, is there a way for the dashboard to “remember” that trust for a user? If I set up the custom queries, then “Sally” opens up the DXP and verifies the queries, then clicks save on the DXP, then I again have to verify the queries. The system doesn’t seem to remember if a user has verified a custom query, essentially making the feature useless for shared Spotfire Desktop DXPs. Am I understanding this correctly?

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Hello Pamir,

For the use case you describe, allowing one user to "trust" the custom query for others, that does depend on functionality provided by using a Spotfire Analyst connected to a Spotfire Server/Library - it is not currently possible in Spotfire Desktop, which is more geared towards individual user and individual use cases.

Supporting that use case as well sounds like a valid idea for the Ideas Portal - https://ideas.tibco.com/. I took a quick look and didn't find any existing idea for this so I recommend that you create one.

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