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Haver you ever seen dropdownlist bug in textarea?

Min ji Kim

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Hello again,

I just did a quick test and I can also reproduce the behavior your described (I tested using 12.0 HF-017 - the analysis appears to have been created/last saved using 11.4.2 HF-011).

After removing everything but the SpotfireControl elements, the controls are correctly formatted, so the issue does not appear to be with the controls themselves but with how they are used in the page.

Note: There are a number of elements - button, style, script - used in the Text Area that are not permitted with HTML Sanitation enabled. Having it enabled is recommended.

I have not been able to find a solution yet, but I have reached out to someone more experienced with this type of issues who may have some ideas.


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Hello Min Jim Kim

Try using the hidden atribute, avoid using the <script> tag on the html markup directly and add it as a JavaScript file instead. Also, try not to use global objects like window and try to stick to these best practice guidelines.

Here is the revised code:

	function openTab(tabId) {
			// Hide all tab content
			const tabContents = document.querySelectorAll('.tab-content');
			tabContents.forEach(content => {
			const tabButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.tab-button');
			tabButtons.forEach(content => {
			// Show the selected tab content
			const selectedTab = document.getElementById(tabId);
			const selectedTabBtn = document.getElementById("btn"+tabId); 
		//window.onload = () => { 


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In that case, we need to keep the items visible , but outside the screen by positioning them as fixed and offset -1000px


function openTab(tabId) {
            // Hide all tab content
            var tabContents = document.querySelectorAll('.tab-content');
            tabContents.forEach(function (content) {
            // Deactivate all tab items
            var tabItems = document.querySelectorAll('.tab-item');
            tabItems.forEach(function (item) {
            // Show the selected tab content and activate the tab item
            content = document.querySelector('#' + tabId);
        // Show the initial tab (e.g., Tab 1)


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