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Histogram Column in Graphical Table

Funny Cat

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in a graphical table there's the 4 options for the columns: Sparkline, Calculated value, Icon and Bullet graph.

Is there a way to draw histograms into a column of a graphical table?

I know that this is not implemented right now. I'm rather thinking about an addon for the graphical table that adds a fifth option.

Thanks for any kind of valuable input!

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That sounds like a great idea! If I'm not mistaken, the Graphical Table is not extendable so adding new options/MiniatureVisualization types is something that would need to be done by Spotfire. 

Just a reminder that any suggestion/idea should be posted in the Ideas Portal: https://ideas.tibco.com. Creating an idea there, and getting votes/support for it is the best way to get the attention of our product managers, who decide what new features may be implemented. The most similar existing idea I could find was https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/SPF-I-5122 - "graphical table - add micro vertical bar chart".

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Hi Fredrik,

thanks for your answer.

Is it possible to get the code of the original Spotfire Graphical Table visualization, so that I can try to make my own mod?

I'm very new to mods development and this would be a great help to start. (And I'd hope I don't have to reinvent the wheel, because what is there is great already)

By the way, the idea portal is great, but I guess until I have as many votes together as needed to implement the feature, I'll probably don't need it anymore, have come up with a workaround or switched to another software. So it's not really a option I can count on.

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Good morning!

>Is it possible to get the code of the original Spotfire Graphical Table visualization, so that I can try to make my own mod?

As a general rule I would say that if it's not on github (or dedicated example code that we e.g. ship in Spotfire Developer), anything else is proprietary source code that can not be shared. However, it's a request you should direct to your Spotfire Account Manager.

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