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Tibco Spotfire 7.5 How to improve performance of dashboard navigation

Grazia Palmisano

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I've a dashboard containing around100.000.000 records of around 80 fields andthe scheduled update spent around 4/5 hours (but this is not an issue because I have scheduled the update during the night).

The dashboard contain a table showing a list of codes;the marking on one of this codesshowa list of detailed informations.

In another page the marking activate the visualization of a line graph, a pie chart and 2 graphical table.

The navigation of the dashboardis very very slowly. To show the line graph, the pie chart and the 2 graphical table It spent around 5minutes and sometimes it return an error "The max rendering time was exceeded"

How can I improve the performance of the same I have removed unused columns/rows...

There are 2 Web player machines having64 GB of RAM.

Thank you

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We might need to take a look at the design of the report to see why it takes this long to render the visualizations you mentioned.If the dataset it not this huge ,does it still take significant time for the visualizations to show up


"The max rendering time was exceeded" error is thrown if a visualization takes more than the "DEFAULT 60 seconds" to render.

This setting can be configured in the "Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config" file if using version 7.5 & higher or in the web.config file ,if using versions prior to 7.5. It is to be set in milliseconds ,default being60000ms.




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to improve performance Ihave tried switchingthe two graphical table into two standard table replacing graphical element with colored cells. In this way the two table are shown faster. Instead,the line chart is not shown...always "The max rendering time was exceeded".

The line chart show the trend of 3 measure: on x-axis there is a date field and on y-axis 3 currency fields. Each of these 3 measure is a cumulative measure calculated with an OVER function....

Could it be the OVER functions used Calculated columns with OVER function are calculated during the dashboard navigation or are pre-calculated during the scheduled update

Can I propose to scaleRAM of WPs, or is unuseful

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  • 2 years later...



I faced the same issue when rendering the first page, it takes more than 10 mins when touching AWS S3 bucket via Athena. May I know which parameters in 


Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config file


can improve performance is there any way round to solve the problem Appreciated and thank you very much. 

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