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How to sort sum of columns

Ryan Robinson

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I have a datatable with columns. I want to add all the columns for each row, which I did by using custom sum function. Next I want to display a bar chart that shows biggest sums on the left in descending order. All I can see are the bars in the order the columns are organized.

Does anyone know how to fix this so I can see what are the biggest and the smallest ones?

Thank you

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Hi Ryan,

The way to sort columns is found under the Properties >> Appearance.

At the bottom, there is the option to sort the bars of your bar chart by value, and then to also sort the segments within each bar by value as well.


You could also have the data filtered to show only the top 5 / top 10 of a certain category - this is detailed in his Stack Overflow response, if you think that would also help your visualisation.

Hope that helps!

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