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Why Keypress events are not firing for elements that have 'contenteditable' property in Tibco Spotfire Mods?

Kapila Ponnamperuma

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Greetings, we are hoping that we could seek your assistance with an issue that we have been experiencing with our Tibco Spotfire Mod (JS extension).

We have implemented an editor feature that would allow users to insert blocks of formatted text. This is achieved via an HTML element in the extension that has the `contenteditable` attribute enabled.

The issue that we are running into is that keypress events are not firing for elements that have 'contenteditable' property. We have attempted to apply the same property to some other test elements outside of the editor that we are using, and noticed that the behaviour is the same – the caret can be moved to words in the element with the mouse cursor, but key presses are not inserting letters as would be expected.

We would greatly appreciate any insight you and your team can provide on this!

Thank you!


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