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Question when implementing a hierarchical listbox instead of a dropdownlist in textarea

Min Su Sun

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I am trying to implement a hierarchical listbox rather than a dropdownlist in textarea.

Let's assume that there are List_Level1, List_Level2, and List_Level3.

Requirement 1. If you select a value in List_Level1, the values below the value in List_Level1 should be shown in List_Level2 and List_Level3.

Requirement 2. If a value of List_Level3 is selected when no values are selected in List_Level1 and List_Level2, the upper values corresponding to List_Level3 must be displayed in List_Level1 and List_Level2.

[Question] I want to implement a hierarchical listbox that satisfies both requirements 1 and 2. If you have samples of this, please share.

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