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Relating tables :S

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I am relating an excel table with an Oracle table (mode: add columns) but the resulting table has a much higher number of rows than the source table (excel), why?

The result should be the same number of source rows but with more columns (the ones added from Oracle).

* When I make the connection between the tables, I do the column mach, and join settings = Left after join.

I have done this many times before but this time it does not work correctly, it must be something wrong configured.

1st table:

1sttable.thumb.PNG.a76d571fd859adfd08580501aafd50f2.PNGResult table:



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One reason could be that there are multiple rows/values in Oracle that match a single row in your Excel data.

You wrote that you use "join settings = Left after join" ("left outer join" I assume), which could result in more rows than in the original data if there are multiple matches. If there are multiple matches - what result do you want? Using "Left single match join" would be one way ensure there is only a single match from the Oracle data.


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