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how to create Scatterplot shape by in combination with Case when and Nest

Nagendra babu

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Hi all,

I am trying to create a custom expression for shape by in scatterplot, where in I don't want to see blank data when used 2 columns(mainly Column2), the custom expression is as follows:

default: <[Column 1] NEST [Column 2]>

I tried to implement this logic within a case when statement :



when [Column2] is null then [Column1]

when [Column2] is not null then [Column1] nest [Column2]


when I try to use nest with case when statement I get an error like:

image.png.d534e417749dfca9ca92b33fd9ef80f9.pnghow should I setup the custom expression to make this work?

Thanks in advance!

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Certain functions are only processed in specific situations and in certain order, which is why you cannot use NEST in case statement. As a possible workaround you could try creating a calculated column using:


when [Column2] is null then [Column1]

else [Column2] end as [NewCol2]

Then in the Expression you can use case 

<[Column1] nest [NewCol2]>

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