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With the Azure Databricks (Custom) Connector, I want to be able to connect to the Unity Catalog, currently through the Advance Options I can choose catalog but then I have to specifically go after each folder. Is there a way to display the entire Catalog

Wayne Thomas

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With the Azure Databricks (Custom) Connector, I want to be able to connect to the Unity Catalog, currently through the Advance Options I can choose catalog but then I have to specifically go after each folder. Is there a way to display the entire Catalog
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Hi Wayne

I want to make sure I understand your request. Are you asking if we could just skip specifying the catalog and just show the results for each catalog (and under them the databases) on the data selection page?

If that is what you are asking, then unfortunately there does not seem to be a way to enumerate the available catalogs to achieve this. We are meeting with Microsoft later this week and this is one of the items I will be bringing up with them.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank Dave - this is exactly what I was specifying. Through PowerBI we can connect and see the entire unity catalog, but through this connector we have to specify the catalog and database. We currently have well over a dozen and as such would have to create a dozen connections into the Unity Catalog.

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