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Iron Python script for opening a new web page.

Mihai Daniel OLTEANU

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Hello all,

I'm facing a challenge without any solving solution for the moment.

I need to use an action control, namely a button, for opening a new web page of a different dashboard. So, in my opinion the only way is to assign to this action control an Iron Python script which would open that web page.

The thing is that I have not found any Iron Python script which is able to do that.

It's true I found one but it's working only from the design view and NOT when my dashboard is on web.

If you have a workaround for this I would apreciate.

Thank you in advance.

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What complicates things is that the IronPython script is executed on the Web Player server. There is an existing script example that shows how to handle this use case:


Here's an example of when I tested and confirmed that this works (using Spotfire Web Player 12.0.1) - first opening an existing direkt hyperlink in the Text Area, then using the link generated by the IronPython script.


Best Regards


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