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What are the pre-requisites for connectivity between Node Manager and Spotfire server when installed in two distributed hosts?

Manas Chatterjee

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We have Spotfire server and Node Manager hosts installed in two different hosts. We have checked TSNM service and TSS services are running fine in respective hosts.

Following command also used

./configure -m 9081 -c 9444 -s <spotfire-Host-IP> -r 9080 -b 9443 -n <node-manager-host-IP>

Even after that if we execute list node command in spotfire server , there is no remote host listed.

sudo -u spotfire /opt/tibco/tss/12.0.0/tomcat/spotfire-bin/config.sh list-nodes --tool-password=<pwd>

Please suggest.

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Start by confirming that you can connect to the Server back-end registration port (and communication port while you are at it) from the Node Manager machine - port 9080 and 9443 from what you wrote - e.g. using telnet or your method of choice. 

The Spotfire® Server and Environment Security manual has a page - Ports and firewall configuration - that gives a good overview of what is used: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/12.0.4/doc/html/TIB_sfire_server_tsas_admin_help/server/topics/ports_and_firewall_configuration.html

If it's not a simple connectivity issue like that, I recommend opening a support case in the Support Portal - https://support.tibco.com/s/ - so our support team can get access to your log files for troubleshooting.

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