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Hi, Does Document.Data.Tables["mytable"].Columns (ironPython) exist in javascript? i try the library spotfireAPI and i'm still loose. If someone can explain, or have a good documentation, i hope you have the time to answer. Kind regards

Loanne Noirot

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The JavaScript API, which is a separate thing from the Spotfire.NET client API used by IronPython and C#, has a DataTable.getDataColumns method - https://docs.tibco.com/pub/sfire_dev/area/doc/api/TIB_sfire_Web_Player_JavaScript_API_Reference/html/M_spotfire_webPlayer_DataTable_getDataColumns.htm - which gets all data columns in a table

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About spotfire.webPlayer.DataTable. If i have several tables, how can i specify the wished table named "table1", i try something but i have undefined object or error like

"Message: applyFunc.bind is not a function

Stacktrace: TypeError: applyFunc.bind is not a function

  at spotfire.webPlayer.DataTable ".

Is it really as simple as Document.Data.Tables["table1"].Columns (IronPython)?

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Hello again!

To get a specific data table, you can use the getDataTable method (https://docs.tibco.com/pub/sfire_dev/area/doc/api/TIB_sfire_Web_Player_JavaScript_API_Reference/html/M_spotfire_webPlayer_Data_getDataTable.htm)

Here's an example where I first get a data table named "SalesAndMarketing" and then the "Store Name" data column from that.  

doc.data.getDataTable("SalesAndMarketing", function(dataTable) { console.log("This is the data table: " + dataTable.dataTableName); dataTable.getDataColumn("Store Name", function(dataColumn) { console.log("This is the data column: " + dataColumn.dataColumnName ); }); });


For learning more - seeing concrete examples - about how to use the JavaScript API, I recommend taking a look at the "Test Utility Example for the TIBCO Spotfire® JavaScript API" page:


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Thanks Fredrik,


var serverUrl = "https://spotfire-next.cloud.tibco.com/spotfire/wp/";

var analysisPath = "/Samples/Expense Analyzer Dashboard";

var customizationInfo = new spotfire.webPlayer.Customization();

var app = new spotfire.webPlayer.Application(serverUrl,



var doc=app.openDocument("container3");




return dataTable.dataTableName;


document.getElementById("container3").innerHTML = doc.data.getDataTable("SalesAndMarketing");


that was a try, but i don't have succes.

my initial purpose is : retrieve the data of my table, not data from a spotfire cloud, i want manipulate, reorganize the value on my column, just like iron python. I try to pass value from iron python but this is million of row, it's just delusional.

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For my quick test of this, I simply used the Getting Started example from the TIBCO Spotfire® JavaScript API Overview page: 

https://community.spotfire.com/s/article/TIBCO-Spotfire-JavaScript-API-Overview#gettingstarted - I strongly recommend that you look at that for a starting point.


In summary:

1. Create the application (spotfire.webPlayer.createApplication)

2. In the onReadyCallback, if successful, you get the application object

3. Open the document (app.openDocument())

(Yes, doc is the document)

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