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How does the percentile function calculate very high or very low percentile values (eg: 99.865th percentile or 0.135th percentile used for exponential distribution capability calcs) if the data set is small and doesn't have enough data points?

Sachin Joshi 3

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I am using a standard heuristic to calculate process capability for an exponential distribution here:


I used the percentile function but I am concerned if my data set is too small or has extreme outliers. I wanted to understand how spotfire reports the calculation for such high percentiles and whether it extrapolates based on any assumptions about the distribution etc.

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Spotfire does a linear interpolation: if you type 'percentile' on the Help search, this is basically what it says.

(It produces the same results as the Python function numpy.percentile using method='linear'.)

There is no assumption on the shape of the distribution.

If you don't have much data, fitting the data to a distribution might not give you a precise quantile anyway, if the fit is not very good.

If you want to have more choice in the method for calculating percentiles, you could try using numpy.percentile in a Python data function.

For instance: this is a Python data function that would calculate the qth percentile with all the listed methods.


  • q (a real number between 0 and 100)
  • df ( a data table with column [Value] containing the data)


  • pc_result: a data table with the percentile calculations
import pandas as pdimport numpy as npdata=df[['name of data column']]methods=['linear','lower','higher','midpoint','nearest','inverted_cdf','averaged_inverted_cdf','closest_observation','interpolated_inverted_cdf','hazen', 'weibull','median_unbiased','normal_unbiased']nm=len(methods)qq=[0.0]*nmfor i in range(nm): qq=np.percentile(data, [q], method=methods)[0]pc_result=pd.DataFrame({'method':methods,'q':[q]*nm,'percentile':qq})

If there are extreme outliers, maybe should be removed. It really depends on whether they are bona-fide results or anomalies that should not be there, but that is a different analysis.

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