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Columns disappear after re-opening the report

Vincent Verhoef

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Hi there,

Belows question has been asked two times on this forum, but both did not receive an answer. Hopefully this one will receive an answer:

Everything time I re-open my dashboard a set of columns disappear from my data table visualization and I have to re-add it. These columns are the result of a pivot table transformation and in a next transformation I change the column names. I have tried moving the renaming to a later stage in data canvas but this didn't help.

Since I don't want to keep adding same column over and over, please help me to fix this issue.

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First, this question has the topic "Data Virtualization" in addition to Spotfire. I just want to confirm that/if you are importing data into Spotfire from TIBCO Data Virtualization (and if so, how - are you e.g. using a Connector or Information Services?)

>"These columns are the result of a pivot table transformation and in a next transformation I change the column names. I have tried >moving the renaming to a later stage in data canvas but this didn't help."

If you don't do the renaming, do you experience the issue then?

What exact version (including hotfix version) of Spotfire Analyst are you using? I'm curious as there has been issues involving pivots and column renaming in the past that we addressed in later versions.  


Adding to what Gaia wrote, I believe this may be easier for us (Support) to help you troubleshoot in a support case though.

Best Regards

Fredrik (TIBCO Support)

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Hi Gaia,

I am loading in two different infolinks and the both are put on linked. In general I use the following approach, where I create a pivot of infolink 2 and add these pivoted column (lets say column 'B') to infolink 1. Next, I create a 'table' visualization and add the pivoted column B along with a 'original' column A from infolink 1 and press save.

However, when I reopen this linked dashboard column A is still visible in the table visualization whereas B is not. Though, the strange thing is that column B is still available in the 'available columns' overview, where I can add it back.

If I am not asking the question in the right place, please refer me to the right spot.

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Hi Fredrik,

To be honest, I misread 'virtualization' as 'visualization'. So I am likely in the wrong section. Please see me response to Gaia for a more detailed overview of the problem and the steps I take.

>If you don't do the renaming, do you experience the issue then? Yes, I still experience the same issue.

>What exact version (including hotfix version) of Spotfire Analyst are you using? 12.0.2 LTS HF-009

I will check where I can open a support case, thanks.

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Thank you for the clarifications, Vincent!

>>If you don't do the renaming, do you experience the issue then? Yes, I still experience the same issue.

Great - that removes one factor from the troubleshooting.

The known issues were in older versions so having version 12.0.2 LTS HF-009, what you are experiencing is something different.

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