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Co-branding spotfire server 12 (linux). Problem with Login page replacement

Giovanni Bocchi

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I'm trying to cobrand my Spotfire installation but I found difficulties. My Spotfire version is 12.0.2 LTS (Linux). I created the spk file on a Windows machine and deployed it manually through the deployment & packages menu. The procedure has not yielded any error messages, but there are some problems: all my changes are applied correctly in Spotfire analysis but nothing is changed in the web player (login page, etc).

Can you help me? Is there a problem with version 12? Is there a problem with Linux version?

I followed this link:


The same procedure with the same customization which was implemented on a Spotfire server (11.4.5) operating on a Windows platform worked perfectly.

Can you help me?


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I recommend opening a support case in the TIBCO Support Portal - https://support.tibco.com/s/ - so our Support team can help you troubleshoot. This will be easier to do with access to your log files and co-branding package. 

A few general comments though:

* For cobranding to work on a Linux system, cabextract must be installed.

* I would use the very latest Package Builder version (12.2.0) as I know there were some "co-branding + Linux"-related issues at least in early 12.0 versions.

* There are some differences related to cobranding between 11.4 and 12.0 so I recommend that you test with a cobranding package created from scratch in 12.0 using the documentation you mentioned (https://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/latest/doc/html/TIB_sfire_cobranding_help/cobranding/topics/cobranding_spotfire.html).

* Try building the package with intendedplatform=universal and targetframework=any

(Reference: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/sfire_dev/area/doc/html/devdoc/topics/package_builder_console_parameter_reference.html)

Best Regards


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