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Marimekko Charts - How to?

Vincent Thuilot

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is there a step by step guide to explain how to build these Marimekko charts?

There's a great article here but it's not detailing enough how we are able to construct those charts.

I'm kinda stuck in the middle, using stacked bar charts 100% but unable to perform the same as shown in the example with % on the 2 axes and showing different thickness for each bar.

I managed to build a contingency table, but i'm not able to reproduce exactly a Marimekko chart as shown. There is a category axis that can't take any number when I create a stack bar chart (see attached). I am using Spotfire

Thanks in advance for your support!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Vincent. I don't believe the Marimekko is really possible in Spotfire via standard bar chart. That article referenced generally refers how to build one, but in Spotfire you cannot bin both axes of a bar chart so I don't think it would be possible. However, in Spotfire 11+ there are custom visualization "Mods" and we have a Marimekko chart working. Do you know if you will be on a version 11.0 or greater soon? I believe Holger Schimankski is in your org and has been successfully building Mods for some time. You might try reaching out to him or wait for our own release of the Marimekko?

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  • 2 weeks later...


thanks for the reply Fredrik and Neil!

Indeed, I thought that maybe a mod or a an ironpython script could somehow force it but it seems difficult.

We aren't in the same organization with the colleague you mentioned, in CropScience (meaning agriculture) we have only version 10.10... waiting to have version 11.4 in the coming weeks/months...!

I could make Mekko charts with other BI tools, so hopefully there will be something OTB in Spotfire :)

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