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Hi All, I have created a combination chart for trend. On X-axis, I have a date in quarter format and on Y-axis, I have numbers. I want to display last 3 quarters on X -axis. Can somebody please help me with this?

Shri G
Go to solution Solved by Fabian Duerr,

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To limit data only in certain visualizations I suggest to work with data limiting expressions. You can find this option in the properties of your visualization under "Data". A data limiting must always evaluate to TRUE or FALSE (boolean)

For the last three quarters you could use:

(YEAR(Max([DATE])) - YEAR([DATE]))*4 + (QUARTER(Max([DATE])) - QUARTER([DATE])) < 3

For the last three months you would use:

(YEAR(Max([DATE])) - YEAR([DATE]))*12 + (MONTH(Max([DATE])) - MONTH([DATE])) < 3

Here, [DATE] is your date column

If the reference date is not the last date in your dataset but today then replace Max([DATE]) with Today()

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