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How to extract maximum numeric value from filtered datatable in Ironpython

Andrew Malby

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I need to extract the max value from a filtered datatable, and pass to a Document Property.

I can find the last date from the filter like this: dt.Columns["COLUMN"].RowValues.GetValue(rows.Last)

But if do that for a numeric 'real' column it extracts the last value from the data table, not from the filter.

I then tried: dt.Columns["COLUMN"].RowValues.GetMaxValue(rows), but the output is in the format 'DataValue[value=10.372]'...

and I can't see how to change the format or extract the numbers.

Any help gratefully received!

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Taking inspiration from this


adding a missing import, removing an extra parenthesis and adding a values list to calculate the maximum of, this should help. Example done on the 'iris' data table.

Make sure 'Filtering scheme' is the exact name of your filtering scheme, and I am assuming the column values are all floats (you probably want to put additional checks).

The document property needs to exist before you run the script.

# Copyright 2022. TIBCO Software Inc. Licensed under TIBCO BSD-style license.

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *


# Specify the data table used in Spotfire

dataTable = Document.Data.Tables["iris"]


# Get a reference to the specified filtering scheme on the data table above

dataFilteringSelection = Document.Data.Filterings["Filtering scheme"]

filteringScheme = Document.FilteringSchemes[dataFilteringSelection]

filterCollection = filteringScheme[dataTable]


# Filtered rows based on the scheme above

filteredRows = filterCollection.FilteredRows


# Specify the column in the data table to get the values

myColCursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(dataTable.Columns["Sepal_Width"])



# Iterate over the filtered rows

for row in dataTable.GetRows(filteredRows,myColCursor):

# cursorValue will now contain the value for the column at the current row position

cursorValue = myColCursor.CurrentValue






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