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Sort heatmap rows by data from a column that is not being visualized in the heatmap

Nathan Bowen 2

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I am trying to use Spotfire Analyst to perform calculations and visualizaitons (pipelines, if you will) that were available in Spotfire Decisionsite for Functional Genomics and/or Microarray Analysis. This seems to be a steep learning curve for me, but I would like to be able to take advantage of more RAM etc with newer machines and use Analyst instead of Decisionsite. I have continued to use an older version of Decisionsite on XP, but well....

When I create a heatmap with Z-scores, I would like to be able to sort it by another calculation on the data, say t-test significance by p-value or fold-change between the groups of columns in the heatmap.

However, when I try to sort the heatmap, I can only sort using the columns that are in the heatmap. Is there a way to sort a heatmap using other values

Can I add another column to the heatmap that I want to use to sort the heatmap and then "hide" it from the visualization So it doesn't mess up the gradient coloring of the intended columns

The hierarchichal clustering function sort of approaches this need for fold change, but not for other calculations that I might like to sort by.

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