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Varying timestamp formats in JSON packet, and parse json loose

Sharad Honavar

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For Tibco Streambase 10.6


e.g. {"date1":"2022-03-03T05:00:00", "date2":"2004-11-01 05:12:00", "myarr":[1,2,3]}, so I only look at myarr , but it will skip the whole record even if Loose parsing is on. And I can only set the timestamp format one way or the other.

I am using the JSON-TO-TUPLE global Operator to parse a complex json strutcure with multiply nested arrays, then passing it through 2 sequential Iterator operators to split nested arrays. There's also lots of non-Array field/values in the json input I dont need and dont even include them in the each.element....of the iterator output sent downstream. I have checked the "Enable Loose Parsing" checkbox

Among the un-needed fields are dates with two different ISO8601 Date formatsyyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss ANDyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. (without the T seperator) But I can set the timestamp format for the adapter only one of the two ways. So if I set it one way, say without the 'T Date/time seperated fields, it fails on those T seperated dates with "Unable to parse time 2023-02-15T00:00:00", but if I set it with the T seperator, the T Dates succeed and fails on non-T's.

In my case, I don't even need the dates downstream and wouldn't have been a problem if the "Enable Loose Parsing" just ignored the fields (as the doc says it does) But it SKIPS the record. which I don't want it to, since I look at the nested array elements which has no dates.

As a another post with with json parser using the expression catchexception(parsejson_loose... and catching the exception may not work because I want to still pass on the successfully parsed part of the json packet.

What are my options



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