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Secondary Axis When Saving to WebPlayer

Heidi Lehr 2

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When saving an embedded copy of a project to the library for WebPlayer viewing, the secondary axis moves to the primary axis. Both axes are setup with a document property so the user can choose what categories they want to see on a line graph. In the original document, before saving the embedded copy, they keep in their appropriate places. Is there something special that needs done so they will stay as primary/secondary on the webplayer
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I did a quick test without observering the behaviour you describe, but there are of course many things that could be a factor. Considering the nature of the issue, I believe this might be more easily investigated as a support case, so I recommend that you open a case in the Support portal - https://support.tibco.com. If possible, I recommend including the following information when opening the case:

* The Spotfire analysis

* Screenshots of what it looks like in Analyst vs in Web player

* Exact version numbers for Spotfire Analyst and Web Player (see Help menu > About...)


Best Regards


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