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We wanted to query our back end using spark from Spotfire 7.5. However we faced a number of issues. Please help us understand what we are doing wrong here.

Neelakshi Kulkarni

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PFB the grid containing details:















We believed that we could have set the property, hive.execution.engine=spark, as we could specify it in the connection URL. However since we could not connect, we were unable to determine it.



The data source type 'Hive2' is not supported.

Cannot connect to data source 'Hive on Spark Sample Connection', due to invalid configuration or that the data source is not running.


Database reported:

Error initializing data source with name 'test-connection': Cannot instantiate JDBC driver with class name com.cloudera.hive.jdbc4.HS2Driver






Apache Spark ODBC



Using Hive

Could not connect due to an unknown error.

External error:

ERROR [HY000] [simba][Hardy] (81) Attempting to connect to an incorrect server type: ORG.A.PACHE.HADOOP.UTIL.RUNJAR /OPT/CLOUDERA/PARCELS/CDH-5.10.0-1.CDH5.10.0.P0.41/LIB/HIVE/LIB/HIVE-SERVICE-1.1.0-CDH5.10.0.JAR ORG.APACHE.HIVE.SERVICE.SERVER.HIVESERVER2 --HIVECONF HIVE.AUX.JARS.PATH. Please check your configuration.


Using Yarn

Could not connect due to an unknown error.

External error:

ERROR [HY000] [simba][ThriftExtension] (5) Error occurred while contacting server: invalid sasl status. This could be because you are trying to establish a non-SSL connection to a SSL-enabled server

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Your data source template references a driver of type com.cloudera.hive.jdbc4.HS2Driver but Spotfire cannot find the .jar drivers in tomcatlib. Ensure you have the jar files there and that the data source template validates Ok in the TSS Configuration Tool UI.


Apache Spark ODBC

The issue is: "invalid sasl status. This could be because you are trying to establish a non-SSL connection to a SSL-enabled server which means your connection is not SSL but your server requires SSL. Do you have 'Username and password (SSL)' set as the authentication



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