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Problem with hiding previously used filters

Tim Caldwell

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We have seen this issue several times on our Spotfire and previous version.

In the process of making changes and cleaning up visualizations, we sometimes change, add, and hide filters.

recently, I found that a visualization had three filters and only one was needed to get the job done.

I hid a filter for Year and Month and repositioned a hierarchy filter that contained Year and Month.

Two users couldn't select the Year and Month they wanted to because it was greyed out and unavailable for selection.

For one user the situation cleared up, for the other user I had to show the two hidden filters so she could make her filter selection.

Are we doing something wrong or is Spotfire assuming the filters are still in play even though they are hidden.

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Hello tcaldwell,

Thanks for your feedback. I have some recomendations to address unexpected issues such as applying the latest hotfix or upgrading to a newer version.

When you say you change filters, you mean the filter panel or filtering the data at the visualization level Keep in mind that every time you create a calculated value, the filter will show up in the filter panel even if you had all the filters hidden.

The hierarchy filter shows disabled as many other filters if there is no data to filter further. For example, consider a checkbox filter with 3 years. If all 3 years are unchecked, all other filters, including the hierarchy will show disabled.

When you hide filters on the filter panel and you click the "reset all visible filters" the hidden filters will not be reset. If you want to reset all filters, you need to Edit > Reset all filters



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