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How can I limit my data with an expression too see only empty rows of a column

Saleh Ben

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Hi everybody, i am asking your help to filter my data with the empty rows of a column with an expression for a visualisation (a chart).


The goal is to have an expression doing this, the columns is "Rang client" that have to be filtered to see only the empty rows of that column for the chart.

I tried with the expression :([Rang client])~= "(Empty)" and([Rang client])~= "" but it did not work.

Thanks for your help.

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Try using 'Is Null':



Is Null



Used within an If- or Case- statement, to determine whether or not an expression yields an empty value (null value).



If([Column] Is Null, "value was null", "value was not null")


If an expression contains empty values (null values), you can use the SN function to substitute the null values with the specified value.

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