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Marking my week-ends


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Hello Spotfire geniuses !

I have this gantt-typed scatter plot to represent a planning. I really need to mark the week-ends to make the plot easier to understand for my team. Ideally, I'd really like to use a grey color as a background, but I think it isn't supported by Spotfire yet (is it ).

Do you have any ideas how I could mark the week-ends (My X axis is not a continuous one because I need to mark specific hours : 06-14-22)

PS: Here you have a screenshot of my plot, please don't juge, it isn't finished yet (and it's my first spotfire project)

PPS: If you have any visual ideas (even if not linked to my problem), don't hesitate !

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While waiting for the Spotfire-geniuses to arrive, the first question to anyone wanting to do anything Gantt-chart-like would be if you have explored using the Gantt Chart Mod - https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/gantt-chart-mod-tibco-spotfirer


Also, if you post an example dxp file, it will make things easier for community users that may be able to help.




Best Regards



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Hello Yann

You can use a vertical line to indicate weekends when using a continous X axis or add a nested expression to mark the weekends on your X labels when doing categorical



NEST BinByDateTime([Value],"DayOfWeek",0)

NEST If((DayOfWeek([Value])=6) or (DayOfWeek([Value])=0),"","")


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